Our resident Master Balloon Artist Ernie Shown has been fortunate to have met and learned from some truly remarkable balloon artists from around the world.
This has allowed him to come up with his own creations -- many of these original balloon sculptures are featured on this page. And he continues to produce some of the best balloon art - check out the Blue Fighter Jet and the Black Scorpion in this gallery.
Ernie has been known to say "I can build ANYTHING out of balloons .... given enough time and $$$." And he has developed a very impressive portfolio of truly amazing balloon art, showing that he can indeed build just about ANYTHING out of balloons -- just check out some of his work below! Most of these creations take considerable time to build, so do not expect to get one while standing in a line waiting for a balloon :) Of course, if your budget does allow for a fantastic balloon creation for your event, give us a call - we would love the challenge!